Heritage Mezcal

Dancing Booze

Episode Summary

Different places ask for different drinks, even certain music styles, in my opinion, need specific booze pairings. And even though I am always the first to complain when I can't find delicious complex spirits in the middle of the night. I am starting to understand that calibrating which booze is served on a dancefloor is a important as the stage and lights design. Without further adieu, please welcome Roberto Ávila, and his many insights on how to create accurate booze experiences.

Episode Notes

Different places ask for different drinks, even certain music styles, in my opinion, need specific booze pairings. 

And even though I am always the first to complain when I can't find delicious complex spirits in the middle of the night. I am starting to understand that calibrating which booze is served on a dancefloor is a important as the stage and lights design.

Without further adieu, please welcome Roberto Ávila, and his many insights on  how to create accurate booze experiences.